Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lexicon alchemiae

Lexicon  alchemiae

dictionarivm alchemisticvm,
Cum obscuriorum  Verborum, & Rerum, Hermeticarum,vtum Theophrast-Paracelsicarum Phrasium, Planam Explicationem continens.
[506 paginas continens]
Avis Hermetis, ist das rothe Bley/mitten in dem Ey/dass nun aber sich will und soll/. Es ist auch die Esch in der matrice, heist auch Anser, und Aes Hermetis, avis volans, quia in altum evolat, & tamen iteram in terram propter nutrimenta descendit: unde nutrix omnium est terra.

Imaginatio, est astrum in homine, cœleste sive supracœleste corpus, Das Gestirn im Menschen / der himmlische oder überhimmlische Leib. [IMAGINATIO --- is the Star in Man, the Celestial or Supercelestial Body]
Magia, Persica vox est, latine sapientia: Estque duplex: Naturalis & licita, materque vere medicinae, & est occulta nature sapientia in centrum vsq; latens & abdita, cum qua si humanam rationem conferas, nihil prater meram stultitiaam in hac reperies. Veri donum Dei est, quo nobis rerum supernaturalium cognitionem exhibet, non daemonum inspiratione, qui nihil perfectum habent, neque docent. Alia vero est illicita, superstitiosa & a tota Ecclesia Christiana prohibita, quam Necromantiam appellant, exsecrabilis & nullibi toleranda. Inde occultata sapientia.
[MAGIA, or MAGIC --- is a Persian word; in Latin it is Sapientia, i.e., Wisdom. It is twofold. The first is natural and permissible, the mother of true medicine, the secret lore of nature, hidden and concealed in the very centre, and compared with which all human reason is sheer foolishness. It is truly the gift of God, displaying to us the knowledge of things supernatural, and not proceeding from the inspiration of demons, wherein is no perfection or instruction. The other magic is unlawful, superstitious, and forbidden by the whole Church of Christ. It has the name of Necromancy; it is accursed, and nowhere to be tolerated. Consequently Wisdom has hidden her head.]
Phantasmata, sunt spiritus in locis desertis & circa littora maris, non diabolici, cum hominibus imaginativis saepissime loquuntur, terrefaciunt aliquando, suam originem ducunt ex imaginationibus hominum, quales vivi de vel cum mortuis habent.
[PHANTASMATA - are Apparitions which haunt desert places and the seashore, and speak with imaginative people. They are not diabolical, though they frequently cause terror.They are born of imagination.]

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