Points of Humour: Illustrated by the Designs of George Cruikshank
Авторы: George Cruikshank
Иллюстрации George Cruikshank
Соавтор Clarence Sweet Bement
Издательство: C. Baldwyn,
Место хранения оригинала: Нью-Йоркская публичная библиотека
Оцифровано: 17 май 2007
Всего страниц: 47
In London, however extraordinary it may appear, many poor folks get drunk at night, especially Saturday night, and what is not less wonderful, they are in this state often unable to preserve their balance – since the laws of gravity exert their influence, and the patient rolls into the kennel.
В Лондоне, как бы странно это ни казалось, многие бедняки напиваются по вечерам, особенно в субботу вечером, и не менее странно то, что в таком состоянии они часто не могут сохранить равновесие, поскольку законы тяготения оказывают своё действие, и пьяный скатывается в канаву.
Раздел 1 1
cantata, humour, Scottish
Раздел 2 7
grenade, Ensign, point of duty
Раздел 3 9
shuttlecock, rasher, Taunton
Раздел 4 19
Раздел 5 32
Liberty's a glorious, Courts for cowards, cowards were erected
Раздел 6 7
physician, talisman, ghosts
Раздел 7 9
bastinado, Backbac, caliph
Раздел 8 21
lovage, Pallet, Jews
Раздел 9 53
leek, Pist, scurvy
Популярные отрывки
With the ready trick and fable Round we wander all the day; And at night, in barn or stable, Hug our doxies on the hay. A fig &c. Does the train-attended carriage Thro - Стр. 34
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A fig for those by law protected ! Liberty's a glorious feast! Courts for cowards were erected, Churches built to please the priest. - Стр. 35
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Something, however, is to be allowed to the nature of the subject, and something to the education of the poet ; and if, from veneration to the names of Swift and Dryden, we tolerate the grossness of the one, and the indelicacy of the other, the respect due to that of Burns may surely... - Стр. 6
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... to evince his sentiments by his practice, forced a few more mouthfuls of this disagreeable potion down his throat, till his stomach was so much offended, that he was compelled to start up of a sudden ; and, in the hurry of his elevation, overturned his plate into the bosom of the baron. The... - Стр. 29
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Konigsmarc, who stood by the king's side, and who, soldier as he was, had not got rid of the prejudices of his childhood, hinted to his royal master that the peasant ought to be burnt as a sorcerer. ' Sir,' said the fellow, irritated at the remark, ' if your majesty will but make that old gentleman take off his sword and his spurs, I will eat him, before I begin the hog. - Стр. 6
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And now a widow I must mourn The pleasures that will ne'er return; No comfort but a hearty can, When I think on John Highlandman. A pigmy scraper wi... - Стр. 29
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There, however, it is still ;' saying this, she showed him the other coffer in which the second humpbacked minstrel had expired. At this sight the clown is perfectly confounded — how the devil ! come back ! a sorcerer ! — he then stuffed the body into the sack, and threw it like the other over the bridge, taking care to put the head down, and to observe that it sunk. - Стр. 5
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Then addressing himself to the judge, said, I perceive, sir, that they will be maliciously obstinate to the last, and will never open their eyes. They wish certainly to avoid the shame of reading their own condemnation in the face of every one that looks upon them; it were better, if you think fit, to pardon them, and to send some person along with me for the ten thousand dirhems they have hidden. - Стр. 14
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for humorous description and nice discrimination of character," " inferior to no poem of the same length in the whole range of English poetry. - Стр. 4
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Bedim cauld Boreas' blast; When hailstanes drive wi' bitter skyte. And infant frosts begin to bite. In hoary cranreuch drest; Ae night at e'en a merry core O' randie, gangrel bodies. In Poosie-Nansie's" held the splore, To drink their orra dudies: Wi' quaffing, and laughing, They ranted an' they sang; Wi' jumping, an' thumping, The vera girdle rang. - Стр. 20
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