Thursday, January 12, 2017

The languages I tried to learn and the languages I’ll never learn

This is the answer to a question from my new friend from Arizona. I am hanging this text just in case.

The languages I tried to learn and the languages I’ll never learn

My sister is three years my senior. When she began to learn English, I was doing my second year in the elementary school. I took her textbook of English and read the first sentence on the first page: “In English there are 24 letters and 44 sounds.” I was perplexed. Why this difference? Is not a letter the same as a sound? I don’t remember why I didn’t ask my sister to explain to me this problem. In any case, I concluded that I was not able to learn a foreign language by my own and put the textbook away. When I began to learn English in the fifth grade, I understood that languages are what I need. The problem was that I had two obstacles. The first one is my poor memory. The second one is my misanthropy. That is why, after 57 years of learning, I can’t say I am fluent in English.

To be continued.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Трудности китайского языка

Трудности китайского языка

Попробуем перевести эту фразу с помощью очень хорошего словаря (автор А.В.Котов).
Ищем по отдельности каждое слово.
汉语 китайский язык
国际 международный, интернациональный
教育 просвещение, образование
И что же это означает в целом? «Международное просвещение на китайском языке»?
«Образование на международном китайском языке»?
Смысл ускользает. К счастью, есть БКРС, доступный онлайн. Там даётся следующий перевод: «Изучение китайского как иностранного». Без БКРС как без рук.