Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Husband.

The Husband.
Mother and daughter.
Girl. Mother, I wish you would fetch me a Husband. I want one dreadfully.
Mother. Why do you wish to have a Husband? What would you do with one?
G. I want one to play with.
M. But a Husband cannot play with you. I should think you would prefer a kitten, for that can understand your play and play back again.
G. Yes, mother, and it can scratch and bite too. Now a Husband never scratches nor bites, and I like a Husband best.
M. You can teach a kitten not to scratch or bite, but you can't teach a Husband anything.
G. Can't I teach him to sit up, or to hold his tongue?
M. No, he will do that without teaching. I will fetch you a Husband, if you will tell me how he will be of any use to you.  
G. He will make me love you better, dear mother.
M If I give you an orange, will not that do the same?
G. Why, mother, how you bother me. I want a Husband to look at, to hug, and to kiss, as if it was a little baby, but I do not hug and kiss an orange.
M. Do you think you could love a little Husband?
G. O yes, I am sure I could, if it was pretty.
M. Does my loving you depend upon your being pretty? I think it depends more upon your being good.
G. Well, mother, the Husband is always good as can be, but I am sometimes naughty.
M. The Husband is good because he can't be otherwise, and there is no merit in such goodness. To be really good, you must not only not do wrong, but you must do something right. Let me explain what I have said. I will fetch you a Husband if you insist upon it, but my opinion is, that you will like him much better, and he will do you much more good if you make it yourself.
G. I don't know how, mother.
M. I will show you.
G. Then I shall be glad to make him myself.
M. Though you may not make him so well as I could, at first, still he will be your own, and, you know, mothers love their own children better than other people's. (Kissing her.)
G. But, mother, why did you wish me to have a kitten instead of a Husband?
M. Because, in teaching such a young animal, you would learn much yourself that you couldn't learn from a Husband.
G. What would the kitten teach me, reading or spelling, writing or needlework?
M. She would teach you kindness. She would teach yon patience, if you had to bear with her ignorance ; forbearance, if you were tried by her ill temper ; forgiveness, if she offended you. There is hardly a virtue that would not be improved, if you treated her properly.
G. Why may I not have both a kitten and a Husband, then ?
M. You shall do so; and now I will go and find something to make the Husband of, while you go and get your work-box, for the best time to do work is while you are in the mood for it.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Не бойся ложки, бойся вилки

I observed a custom in all those Italian cities and townes through the which I passed, that is not vsed in any other country that I saw in my trauels, neither doe I think that any other nation of Christendome doth vse it, but only Italy. The Italians, and also most strangers that are commorant in Italy, doe alwaies at their meales vse a little fork when they cut their meate. For while with their knife, which they hold in one hand, they cut their meate out of the dish, they fasten their forke, which they hold in their other hand, upon the same dish, so that whatsoever he be that sitting in the company of others at meate, should vnaduisedly touch the dish of meate with his fingers from which all at the table doe cut, he will give occasion of offence unto the company, as hauing transgressed the laws of good manners, in so much that for his error he shall be at the least brow-beaten, if not reprehended in wordes.
This form of feeding, I vnderstand, is generally vsed in all places of Italy, their forkes being for the most part made of yron or Steele, and some of siluer ; but those are used only by gentlemen. The reason of this their curiosity is, because the Italian cannot by any means indure to have his dish touched with fingers, seeing all men's fingers are not alike clean. Hereupon I myself thought good to imitate the Italian fashion by this forked cutting of meate, not only while I was in Italy, but also in Germany, and oftentimes in England, since I came home : being once quipped for that fiequent vsing of my forke, by a certain gentleman, a familiar friend of mine, one Mr. Laurence Whitaker, who in his merry humour doubted not to call me at table, forcifer, only for vsing a forke at feeding, but for no other cause." — Coryat's Crudities, 1611.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Глупый сын визиря

نقل ١
ايك وزيركا بيٹا نادان و كند ذهن تہا وزيرنے ايك دانا كي پاس اسے بہيجا اور كہا كہ اس لڑكي كو تربات كر شايد كہ  عقلمند هو جاوے چنانچه دانانے اس كي تعليم مين بہت سے كوشش كي پر كچہ فايده نہوا پس لاچار هوكر لڑكي كو اس كي باپ كي پاس پہير بہيجا اور كہا كہ تيرا بيٹا عاقل نہين حوا اور مجہے ديوانہ كيا
У одного визиря был глупый и необразованный сын. Визирь послал его к мудрецу и сказал: «Возможно, после обучения этот парень станет умным». Поэтому мудрец приложил немало усилий для обучения этого юноши, но никаких успехов не достиг. Осознав свою беспомощность, он отослал юношу назад к отцу и сказал ему: «Ваш сын так и остался глупым, а меня довёл до безумия».

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Traitors are the worst enemies

घर का भेदी लंका ढावे
Ghar ka bhedi lanka dhave.
ढाना ломать; причинять
भेदी шпион
Шпион в доме может погубить Ланку.
Traitors are the worst enemies.
Meaning : It is the insider who is dangerous and leaks secretive information to help out your enemies

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Почему-то картинки, посвящённые сегодняшнему празднику, вызывают отвращение. Розовато-красный сироп, как на первое мая в СССР. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Ремейк мюзикла

Ремейк мюзикла

Создан ремейк первого советского мюзикла «Свинарка и пастух». Называется «Сотрудница миграционного центра и лицо кавказской национальности».