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The whole world was made for man, but the twelfth part of man for woman. Man is the whole world, and the breath of God; woman the rib and crooked piece of man.
(Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici)
MAN is subject to innumerable pains and sorrows by the very condition of humanity, and yet, as if nature had not sown evils enough in life, we are continually adding grief to grief, and aggravating the common calamity by our cruel treatment of one another. Every man's natural weight of affliction is still made more heavy by the envy, malice, treachery, or injustice of his neighbour. At the same time that the storm beats on the whole species, we are falling foul upon one another.
Half the misery of human life might be extinguished, would men alleviate the general curse they lie under, by mutual offices of compassion, benevolence, and humanity. There is nothing, therefore, which we ought more to encourage in ourselves and others, than the disposition of mind which in our language goes under the title of good-nature…
(Joseph Addison, Spectator. No.169, September 13, 1711)
Ingens simul et laboris copia et quietis inopia: huc illuc circumagendum ingenium, his atque illis pr[a]egravanda memoria. Quid vis dicam? Libri quosdam ad scientiam, quosdam ad insaniam deduxere, dum plus hauriunt quam digerunt; ut stomachis sic ingeniis nausea sepius nocuit quam fames. Atque ut ciborum sic librorum usus pro utentis qualitate limitandus est: in rebus omnibus quod huic parum, illic est nimium. Itaque sapiens non copiam, sed sufficientiam rerum vult; illa enim sepe pestilens, hec semper est utilis.
(Francesco Petrarca, De Remendiis Utriusque Fortunae, 43. De Librorum Copia)
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