Proverbs Maxims and Phrases
Of All Ages
Classified Subjectively and Arranged Alphabetically
Compiled by
Robert Christy
Two Volumes in One
G. P. Putnam's Sons
New York and London
None of these however are nearly so atrocious as those to be found in "The Hitopadesa, " translated from the Sanskrit by Charles Wilkins. The following, which is much less severe than many others, will serve as an example. " In infancy the father should guard her, in youth her husband, in old age her children, for at no time is a woman proper to be trusted with liberty."
However " as the people, so the proverb."
1. There are many rare abilities in the world that fortune never brings to light.
3. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. J. H. Bailey,
4. Absence cools moderate passions but inflames violent ones.
5. Absence of occupation is not rest, ¬A mind quite vacant is a mind distressed. Cowper.
7. Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens.
8. Absent or dead still let a friend be dear, A sigh the absent claim, the dead a tear. Pope.
185. Three duels he fought, thrice ventured his life, Went home and was cudgelled again by his wife. Swift.
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